Strategic Partnerships within the ERASMUS+ program promotes the realization of innovative, tangible and transferable products to a wider audience, called Intellectual Output (IO).
The IRENE project, in addition to its management and communication phases, involves the realization of four main Intellectual Outputs:
IO 1 – Comparative study among the different partner countries
IO 2 – Selection and collection of articles, publications, educational and research materials
IO 3 – Open online learning platform
IO 4 – Design of an International Pilot Course model
Timeline: December 1st, 2020 - June 30th, 2021
Activity: a questionnaire/interview outline in English has been developed by the partners as a common basis for conducting a survey in all 6 partner countries. The questionnaire has been translated by the partners into their national language. Each partner has conducted the survey in their own country by interviewing or submitting the questionnaire to at least 15 religion educators/teachers active in education for religious dialogue and diversity.
Go to questionnaire.
Final Output (Intellectual Output - IO 1): all information collected has been compared and synthesized into a narrative report. The comparative study has been elaborated by UEF (Finland) and the Institute of Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Estonia based on information and findings collected and provided by each of the partners and then published on this project's digital platform (IO 3) and on the partners' websites. The report is used as a basic analysis to elaborate the planned pilot course and the followings (Italy, Finland, Estonia, Greece) (IO 4) and as support to the learning materials (IO 2).
Communication: main results of the comparative study, extracted from the narrative report, are posted on the project's Facebook page and on the partners' websites and social media pages; they are presented during the training courses and the final conference. In addition, partners use their local networks to disseminate these results (university networks, bachelor’s and master's programs, other educational institutions, but also organizations of civil society, especially those dealing with religious diversity).
Timeline: July 1st, 2021 - April 30th, 2023
Activity: each partner has proposed two articles/texts as teaching/training materials to respond and consequence to the training needs that emerged in the previous phase of the survey and comparative study, as well as best practices and teaching methods that were used (IO 1). The University of Thessaloniki oversees the collection of all contributions, which once linked through an introductory and a concluding text are transformed into a common English-language e-book publication. Then each partner provides adaptation and translation of the e-book version into their own languages.
Final Output (Intellectual Output - IO2): a collection of articles also used as a Training Guide in the form of an e-book available in 7 language versions (English, Italian, Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian, Estonian, Finnish), resulting from the contribution of all partners.
Communication: the e-book is promoted through the universities networks of the partners involved in the project, including bachelor’s and master's programs and their academic networks, it is also published on the electronic platform (IO 3) and on the websites of the project partners. It is presented at international courses, seminars and conferences, publicized on the partners' social media. The publication is presented to other stakeholders such as educational institutions, civil society organizations, especially those dealing with religious diversity and addressing multicultural and interfaith challenges, parishes, congregations and other religious communities.
Timeline: July 1st, 2021 - April 30th, 2023
Activity: each partner commits to collect articles, presentations, research, publications, text and video materials, and video lessons useful for teaching and learning purposes on the project topic and also those learning materials used during the courses offered within the project (IO 4), including the e-book publication (IO 2) the comparative study and the analysis reports (IO 1). ISE, the leader of this activity, collects materials from all partners and organize them on the project's electronic platform, creating virtual spaces dedicated to each partner and setting up an interface that can facilitate research of multilingual materials, both textual and audio and video. The interface is in Italian and English languages, while the content provided by each partner is in their original language versions and in English. The platform is freely accessible online, to reach as many educators and trainers as possible.
Final Output (Intellectual Output - IO3): an open learning tool (online platform) for trainers, teachers, professors, and theologians, including the representatives of different religious communities.
Communication: an open online learning tool is made available for all those interested, both in the partner countries and outside the partnership, and it is also available for all those facing the same challenges and wishing to find solutions, to maximize the expected impact even beyond the partnership, and beyond the duration of the project itself.
Timeline: July 1st, 2021 - June 25th, 2022
Activities: each partner produces and shares teaching materials (Power Points, video lessons, texts) and presents teaching methods and practices, national and confessional, to be tested during an international pilot course, initially scheduled in Thessaloniki in November 2021 and then postponed to June 2022 in Venice. The pilot course requires partners to develop a training program for those who take part in the first international course, a program that then is appropriately tested, and adjusted, to be later used in subsequent courses. The content of the pilot (and subsequent) course and training materials are set around the training needs and the requirements of those interviewed during the comparative study (IO 1). Special attention is given to digitization and distance learning, which is particularly important in the current times, for all those who are not able to participate directly in the pilot and subsequent courses. The syllabus for the pilot and subsequent courses with its related training and research materials, provided by each partner, are uploaded on the project's digital platform (IO 3). English is the primary language, but lectures are offered in any of the partners' languages. Video lessons are adapted for people with disabilities as they are translated into International Sign Language. The partner coordinating these activities is the Regional Development Foundation (FRR).
Final Output (Intellectual Output - IO 4): a specific 5-day training course consisting of a training program and teaching materials, including innovative practices and examples provided by all the partners involved in the project.
Communication: the training course represents a transferable product to other territories and contexts, replicable in the future by each partner institute. The proposed model and the outcomes are presented during the final international conference which takes place in Venice on March 23rd 2023 and made available through the online web platform (IO 3), partners' websites and during various events, including social networks and other dissemination tools.