Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessaloniki

with its 74,000 students is the largest university in Greece. Over the years, the School of Theology has been able to combine tradition and renewal in Orthodox theology in a dynamic way and with an ecumenical spirit, seeking dialogue with the academic and theological community on both a European and worldwide level. Its basic goals are to prepare future theologians engaged in the study of Orthodox and Christian theology and tradition in general, future religion teachers in secondary education, theologically trained priests at the service of the Church, leaders in several cultural, religious and social organizations. Contact persons: Prof. Panaghiotis Yfantis and Prof. Nikos Maghioros

International Training Course in Thessaloniki, Greece

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© Istituto di Studi Ecumenici San Bernardino c/o Convento S.Francesco della Vigna
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